SANS: reduction, analysis, global instrumental fit

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KWS-1 (JCNS) :: Example of Data Reduction :: "Classical" Mode [old detector, QtiKWS, 2018]

Dear User,

this video-manual will help you to understand reduction of SANS data measured at KWS-1 & KWS-2 instruments operated by JCNS in Garching. You could repeat this procedure yourself using instruction described and shown below.

Best regards,
Vitaliy Pipich.

P.S. This page is not expected to be “perfectly polished”, but the main idea is to give “fast introduction” with minimal volume of text. If you want to help to optimise, edit, correct mistakes of any kind just contact me.

Steps: #1-#8

Input ⇒ KWS1 data
Output ⇒ QtiKWS project file

Step #0 [before start]

KWS1 rawdata were kindly offered by Artem Feoktystov.

Step #1 [instrument, mode, folder, info-table]

DAN-Light | Option Tab

  • Start “DAN-light”
  • Push button “Start NEW Session”
  • Select “SANS-instrument” [default: KWS1]
  • Select “SANS-mode” [default: (SM) Standard Mode]
  • Choose “Input Folder” [where SANS rawdata is located]

DAN-Light | Tools Tab | :: Headers - 2 - Inf-Table ::

  • Generate “info-table” [just to extract information about all raw-data files]
Step #2 [mask(s)]

in MASK-tab we could generate matrixes where there “active” pixels are defined. Only these pixels will be used during radial averaging (1 used, 0 unused). Buttons “Calculate” creates/overwriting “current matrix”. Buttons “Calculate as” creates/overwrites matrix with new name. The mask parameters are pre-defined. Parameters of the mask can be changed later…
DAN-Light | Mask Tab

  • Push button “Calculate”
Step #3 [sensitivity]

here we calculate detector sensitivity for samples measures at 1.7m (sens-2m) with run-number of Plexiglass 54910, empty beam 54911, and dark current 54912. Transmission is calculated here by formula saved in Options. For samples measured at sample-to-detector distances above 3.7m we generate sensitivity matrix sens-4m (Plexi 54900, EB 54901, B4C 54902).

DAN-Light | Sensitivity Tab

  • Type/select Plexi, EB, and B4C rum-numbers measured at 1.7m
  • Push button “Transmission”
  • Push button “Calculate as New” and type sensitivity matrix name “sens-2m”
  • do similar steps to generate sens-4m
Step #4 [table of configurations]

in this example we have 4 “real” samples: Lutz05, Lutz025, Lutz0125, and Toluene measured in 3 configurations C8D8, C4D4, and C8D2. In current step we will fill table of configurations….

DAN-Light | Data Processing Tab

  • Select number instrument configuration (in this case 3)
  • Follow video to fill this table
Step #5 [script- table:: generation]

actually, the most important step of the data reduction is generation of a script-table. Every line in the script-table corresponds to a measured file (“run”). The script-table is generated by passing all measured files (you want to reduce) through created ( in Step #4) table-of-configurations. Every selected file is compared with defined configurations. In case of matching of a current file and a configuration (in current example we have three instrument-configurations) full information from configuration-table will be copied to script table.

DAN-Light | Data Processing Tab

  • Push button “+” in “Select Script Table | …”
  • Select all files you want to reduce [ctrl+…, shift+↓(←,↑,→)] + OK

if you correctly named files, your script-table is ready. If not, you could modify sample-names and recalculate transmissions “Tr”…

Step #6 [script- table:: radial averaging]

Lowest part of “Data Processing Tab” contains 9-buttons, most important:
  • “I[x,y]” generation of 2D matrixes (ASCII files) for all files in active script-table;
  • “I[Q]” generation of 1D radial averaging tables (ASCII files) for all files in active script-table;

Direction of output (to Project, or ASCII-file(s) to Output-folder [“Options” tab]) is defined by check boxes…

DAN-Light | Data Processing Tab

  • Push button “I[Q]”
Step #7 [merging]

fast way of how to merge data measured at three configurations are shown here. “script-mergingTemplate” table is automatically generated during radial averaging. In DANP-light | Merging tab: we read this table to interface; select 30% overlap; and merge data…

DANP-Light | Merging

Step #8 [script- table:: 2D data]

DAN-Light | Data Processing Tab

  • Push button “I[x,y]”
dan-sans/video-manuals/qtikws-dan-kws1.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/27 12:32 by Vitaliy Pipich