DAN-TOF: New Interface to Analize multi-canal data

Time-Of-Flight, Real-Time kinetics, Multi-Detector-configurations...

DAN-TOF is the provisional name for the generalization approach to SANS data reduction. New SANS instruments are multi-detector by design and, by default, time-of-flight (TOF) instruments or have a TOF option.

Detector Image Structures

HDF adress examples:

HDF arrays examples:

  1. single detector VECTOR:
    • [dimX x dimY]
    • [dimY x dimX]
  2. single detector MATRIX:
    • [dimX][dimY]
    • [dimY][dimX]
  3. single detector VECTOR / repeated NR:
    • [NR][dimX x dimY]
    • [NR][dimY x dimX]
    • [dimX x dimY][NR]
    • [dimY x dimX][NR]
  4. single detector MATRIX / repeated NR:
    • [NR][dimX][dimY]
    • [NR][dimY][dimX]
    • [dimX][dimY][NR]
    • [dimY][dimX][NR]
  5. single detector VECTOR / repeated NR / TOF frames NTOF:
    • [NR][dimX x dimY][NTOF]
    • [NR][dimY x dimX][NTOF]
  6. single detector MATRIX / repeated NR:
    • [NR][dimX][dimY][NTOF]
    • [NR][dimY][dimX][NTOF]

Single Detector Image / NON-TOF:

Suggested to support formats: