Info-Table was generated to get information about raw-data located in the data-folder
Three sample in the example were measured in two instrument configurations: 9.2m and 1.2m
Standard mask-matrix “mask” is used for sensitivity matrix “sens”, for absolute calibration and for beam center calculation
For every instrument configuration two masks are created: for radial averaging (masked direct beam) and for transmission calculation (only direct beam place is not masked)
Table of configurations was filled step-by-step.
Script Table was automatically generated
Transmission was calculated for every configuration using the direct beam method (we measured without beam-stop)
Radial Averaging and merging with the standard mask are shown
Matrixes of the detector images were calculated (fully corrected): scattering signal was not ISOTROPIC
Radial Averaging and merging with the “vertical” and “horizontal” masks are shown
Data, measured at 1.2m were normalised to the ratio of transmissions measured at 1.2m and 9.2m